Friday, June 10, 2011

Pay to Play

Unfortunately all the rain yesterday made it impossible to have our Pay to Play day as scheduled. It has been postponed until Tuesday. If you have not yet brought money, please try to bring whatever you can by then. Thank you so much to those who donated even more to support purchasing more leveled books for Goethe School!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Progress Reports

Progress reports were sent home with the students in room 500 this afternoon. Please sign the bottom and return them to school by the end of the week. If you have any questions, feel free to email or use the form on this website to contact me. Unfortunately my phone was lost earlier this week, so I will not be able to receive calls until a replacement phone arrives in a couple days. Thank you for your understanding!

On a separate note, our classroom is in need of Kleenex. If anyone is able to donate a box or two, we would greatly appreciate it!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Measuring Mass

Last week in math, the students practiced using balance scales to measure the mass of various objects such as apples, pencils, and books. They collected their results in a data table and then examined their data to make comparisons and find patterns.

Photographer: Alberto

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Literary Essays

The third graders at Goethe have started a new writing workshop unit on literary essays. For the past few days we have been reading fiction stories and responding to them in our writer's notebooks. Today students  thought carefully about the characters in these stories. Here are some of the questions we asked to help guide our thinking and our writing:

  • What kind of person is this character?
  • What is the character struggling against? What gets in their way?
  • How does the character change over the course of the story?
  • Does the character learn lessons or come to realizations?
Photographer: Taji

When your child reads fiction books at home, ask him or her to tell you about one of the characters. Go beyond what's right there in the text, and use these questions to stop and think!

Students will bring their packet of stories home to read and reread during spring break. When we return to school, students will choose one of their stories and start thinking about a thesis statement for their essays.